Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why there should be a Tech Coordinator in EVERY School

We tend to spend money on things more than we spend it on people.  Though there is a great amount of disparity out there it does seem clear that schools today are filling up with technology.  What they are not also filling with is a dedicated person who has the job to coordinate the technology throughout the building.  I do not mean a technician, or I might say I don't mean only a technician.  What I mean is that every building needs an expert educator who will coordinate the use of technology for Students, Teachers, Parents, and Administrators.  This is a big job and can't be on top of teaching a full or almost full course load.  It needs to be someone who can coach teachers, lead students in the use of resources, and search out and facilitate the use of the best equipment and software that suites the school curriculum and community. Schools that don't have this person are using technology in a hit or miss manner and I can tell you for sure they are not using technology to it's full potential.

We are so intent on putting technology in the hands of learners.  Why aren't we so intent on putting a person in every school that can facilitate the use of that technology in a way that it's really used, to the fullest of it's potential, in a consistent manner in every school.

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